Love for unreached peoples is contagious.
Click on the names here to link to sites where you can read online of lives yielded completely to God. You will see what a difference a single life can make. …But beware. This love is contagious.
Please check our “Books” section for biographies, also.
Jonathan Goforth
Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth’s itinerant work took them for a time to Manchuria and Korea, but their most lasting impact was in China, where more than 13,000 Chinese became Christians between 1908 and 1913.
- Dr David Livingstone
God had only one Son, and He became a foreign missionary.
William Carey
William Carey, a simple cobbler, mastered Dutch, French, Greek, and Hebrew on his own. He helped organize the English Baptist Missionary Society and was one of its first missionaries to India. In addition to soul winning, Carey founded the Serampore College, and with the aid of other linguists, he translated the Bible into forty-four languages and dialects.
- James Fraser
James Fraser was deeply devoted to God. He depended on the power of prayer from the homelands to break the hold of Satan’s power on the Lisu people in the southwest mountains of China.
Isobel Kuhn
In the 1920’s a young lady named Isobel Selina Miller was making her mark in the theater, social and academic world. But through her mother’s prayers and after a tragic romance, she discovered peace with God. And, after reading about Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission, she felt a call to China — specifically, to the Lisu people. With her husband, John Kuhn, she faced hardships, long separations, severe illness, war, and death itself. Yet through all this the church among the Lisu people grew in faith and the knowledge of Christ.
Henry Martyn
Henry Martyn (1781-1812) put the work of evangelism and Bible translation in India before the prizes his brilliant Cambridge career had opened to him.
Jim Elliot
martyred missionary to Ecuador
- Hudson Taylor
founder of the China Inland Mission (now OMF International)
Amy Charmichael
served fifty-six years as God’s devoted servant in India. Obedience, total commitment, and selflessness were the marks of Amy Carmichael’s life. In a world where the thought of living one’s life for Jesus Christ above all else is rapidly fading, she remains a bright and ever burning example of one whose sole existence was devoted to her beloved Lord and Savior.
- John and Betty Stam
As John and Betty Stam were led to certain execution by their communist captors, someone asked, ‘Where are you going?’ After saying he didn’t know where the guards were going, John added, ‘But we’re going to heaven.’
Let us know what biographies challenged you. We would like to include them.