Join in the joy of God’s great campaign
to reclaim His world!

“God wants each believer and every church to live in the joy of fulfilling His global purposes. God never intended a few heroes to carry all of the joy and the labor. He gives us all a part.”

–Steven C Hawthorne, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, 3rd edn, p 708

The above quote by Steve Hawthorne expresses our motivation in creating

The World Wide Web contains a wealth of information, resources, and opportunities to help Christians get involved in God’s great campaign to reclaim his world. The purpose of is to catch the attention of Christians who have minimal missions awareness and direct them to this wealth that they may be motivated and enabled to get involved in God’s worldwide mission.

Our commitment (“The Caleb Declaration”): By the grace of God and for his glory, we commit our entire life to obeying His commission of Matthew 28:18-20, wherever and however He leads us, giving priority to the peoples currently beyond reach of the gospel (Romans 15:20-21).

Let us know what you think about the site.

Ramadan begins in 136 days.  (more…)
Praying_hands81x100Global Prayer Digest
Daily Prayer Devotional

from the U.S. Center for World Mission